Differences Between BCC Select & BCC Travel
Travel is a highly competitive program that allows very skilled players the opportunity to compete with other competitive teams from all over the MD/DC/VA area. Our best players compete against the best in their age groups. BCC fields one travel team in each age group. These teams play at least 2x a week and practice 2x a week. League games are not always local and these teams participate in tournaments during the season outside of the area. Travel teams are required to attend mandatory winter clinics on either Saturdays or Sundays in January and February. Travel teams are coached by professional non parent coaches. Players who play for a BCC travel team cannot play for any other travel baseball team. Baseball must be a player's primary sport commitment. Cost for travel is approximately $1100 for spring, $850 for fall, $400-450 for winter clinics and anywhere between $600-$1200 for summer depending on which summer tournaments a teams participates in. The travel team is a 3 season commitment – spring, summer and fall.
The Select teams group the best players within our league to play against each other. BCC fields anywhere from 4-8 teams in each age group (9-14 year olds). The teams play 2x a week on Friday nights and Sundays and practice once a week. A select player may not play for a BCC recreational team. Select teams are coached by volunteer parent coaches, designated by the league. Select teams will participate in mandatory clinics in March led by BCC Professional Coaches. Cost for select is approx. $1400-$1800 which covers the spring and fall seasons and the winter clinics. The select teams are a 2 season commitment – spring and fall. There is a non mandatory option to play summer select (tryouts required) for an additional fee.